Hi!, I'm


Bachelor degree of Mathematics.

Proficient in Python and R for data manipulation, visualization, and analysis. Well-versed in TensorFlow, pandas, NumPy, and Matplotlib for modeling an d visualization in the data world.



Project 1

Twitter Sentiment Analysis
Using NLP

Personal Project

Project 2

House Sales Dashboard

Personal Project

Project 3

Age Detection

Ruangguru Engineering Academy Project

Project 4

Hand Counting

Personal Project

Project 5

Customer Retention

MySkill Academy Personal Project

Project 6

Sales Dashboard

Personal Project

Project 7

Predicting House Prices
with XGBoost model

Personal Project

Project 8

Medical Diagnosis Chatbot Assistant
using LLAMA 3 Model

Personal Project

Project 9

Stanford Dogs
Image Classification

Personal Project

Project 10

Credit Card Fraud Detection

Personal Project

Project 11

Movie Genre Classification

Personal Project

Project 12

Bank Customer Churn Prediction

Personal Project

Project 1

Twitter Sentiment Analysis Using NLP

In the fervent anticipation of the official announcement of the elected president by Indonesia’s General Elections Commission (KPU), social media, notably Twitter, has become a vital outlet for citizens to voice their opinions. This project introduces an automated system for sentiment classification. The goal is to develop Natural Language Processing (NLP) model to conduct Twitter Sentiment Analysis using TensorFlow library.

Project 2

House Sales Dashboard

The House Sales Dashboard that I created using Tableau Public, focuses on daily prices, geographical trends, and key property features in the USA real estate market. It's a dynamic tool for professionals, investors, and homebuyers, offering valuable insights to navigate the dynamic world of USA real estate.

Project 3

Age Detection

An user-friendly interface using Gradio for image classification pipeline that displays the image, and uses the Hugging Face's model to predict the age of the person in the image.

Project 4

Hand Counting Detection

Hand counting detection that I developed with python and Open CV. This project enables real-time tracking and recognition of hand gestures, providing a firsthand experience of the code's simplicity. Uncover the potential for diverse applications, from interactive gaming to sign language interpretation, as we delve into the fascinating world of computer vision.

Project 5

Customer Retention Analysis

In this Python project, the objective is to calculate the percentage of customer retention. By employing data-driven methodologies, the project provides a straightforward analysis to measure and understand customer retention, a crucial metric for businesses aiming to build lasting relationships.

Project 6

Sales Dashboard

In my sales dashboard project developed with Google Spreadsheets, I aimed to streamline data analysis and visualization for a comprehensive overview of sales performance. Leveraging the collaborative features of Google Sheets, I organized and analyzed sales data efficiently. The dashboard provides a visual representation of key metrics such as revenue, product sales, and customer demographics.

Project 7

Predicting House Prices with XGBoost model

XGBoost, short for eXtreme Gradient Boosting, is a machine learning algorithm known for its efficiency and effectiveness in handling complex datasets. It excels in regression problems, making it a perfect candidate for predicting continuous values like house prices. I developed this project with the aim of harnessing the predictive power of the XGBoost model to assist in the real estate domain.

Project 8

Medical Diagnosis Chatbot Assistant

My project, “Medical Diagnosis Chatbot Assistant” aims to use AI to make diagnoses related to a patient's disease. I use LLM version that has been developed by Meta, known as LLAMA-3.

Project 9

Stanford Dogs Image Classification

This project focuses on classifying dog breeds using deep learning. The model is built using ResNet50, a pre-trained architecture fine-tuned on the Stanford Dogs dataset. The model achieved a training accuracy of 86.23% and a validation accuracy of 88.65%. This project can be used for applications such as pet identification, wildlife research, and mobile apps for breed recognition.

Project 10

Credit Card Fraud Detection

This project aims to detect fraudulent credit card transactions using machine learning algorithms such as Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, and Random Forest. I am applying preprocessing steps such as data cleaning, normalization, and handling missing values, along with feature engineering techniques, including transformation of transaction amount before training the models.

Project 11

Movie Genre Classification

This project classifies movie genres using machine learning. It includes data preprocessing, feature extraction with TF-IDF or word embeddings, and model training with Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, and Random Forest. Evaluation is done using metrics like accuracy and F1-score, with visualizations for insights.

Project 12

Bank Customer Churn Prediction

This project predicts customer churn in the banking sector using machine learning. After preprocessing the data, models such as Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, and XGBoost were trained. The XGBoost model achieved the highest accuracy at 85.05%, helping identify at-risk customers and develop retention strategies.


Mantappu Academy


Fulltime (July - Present)

  • Monitored and analyzed performance metrics, including reach, engagement, and conversion rates, to optimize campaigns, improve ROI, and ensure effective content delivery.
  • Created engaging, shareable content and wrote SEO-friendly captions to boost interaction, attract organic traffic, and increase visibility.
  • Stored and managed social media data in SQL databases for efficient tracking and analysis.
  • Tool used: Python, Tableu, SQL

PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk.

Data Analytics

Internship (February - September)

  • Managed and Updated customers database using Microsoft Excel and Python, develop a visualization using Tableu and Power BI
  • Developed dashboards using Tableau and Power BI to present actionable insights.
  • Conducted predictive analysis to identify trends and patterns in customer behavior using LSTM method.
  • Analyzed credit and savings data across all regions in Indonesia to enhance KPIs and overall performance.
  • Tool used: Python, Tableu, Ms Excel, Power BI

Ruangguru Engineering Academy+

Machine Learning

Bootcamp (July - October 2023)

  • Built a solid foundation in data exploration, focusing on key principles and theories.
  • Gained hands-on experience with PyTorch, including model building, pipeline development, and transfer learning.
  • Developed practical skills in Natural Language Processing (NLP) for processing and analyzing human language.
  • Learned SQL for efficient data querying and management, enhancing database analysis capabilities.
  • Tool used: Python, SQL, PyTorch, Google Colab

Bangkit Academy 2023 led by Google, Tokopedia, Gojek, & Traveloka

Machine Learning cohorts

Studi independen (January - July 2023)

  • Acquired comprehensive knowledge and expertise through formal academic pursuits in Machine Learning and AI.
  • Developed aptitude for data preprocessing, feature engineering, model selection, and evaluation using Python.
  • Successfully completed challenging AI projects and assignments, which honed my problem-solving skills and provided practical experience in applying Machine Learning models to real-world scenarios.
  • Tool used: Python, TensorFlow, Ms Excel

Project-Based Virtual Intern : Data Scientist – Home Credit Indonesia x Rakamin Academy

Data Scientist

Virtual Internship (August - October 2022)

  • Finishing various task related with the activity of Data Scientist from Home Credit Indonesia
  • Completing project such as Data Analysis, Machine Learning Implementation, and Business Acumen
  • Applied feature engineering techniques to optimize data preprocessing and enhance model performance.
  • Tool used: Python, SQL, Spreadsheet

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